Thursday, February 17, 2011

Well this is not exactly about good customer service – it’s more about having fun through self service. When my mom sent it to me, I found it a welcome break in the middle of a busy day. Enjoy!

Happy Hour In Africa

This is a real video from a French documentary about Africa. Even if you don’t speak French the video is funny. In any event, there is little voice over; most of the soundtrack is simply a musical accompaniment to what you see on screen.

The Marula tree, from which Amarula liqueur is made (Marula fruit and cream), grows in Africa. There it is also known as the "Elephant Tree," because elephants have a fondness for its fruit.

The fruit of the Marula tree is very juicy... and it contains a high percentage of alcohol. Or at least that’s what it produces in the belly.

To compensate for the lack of water in Africa, animals munch on the fruit while using the shade of the tree to help protect themselves from the heat.

As for what happens next, you can watch for yourselves... and it’s not hard to spot the over-indulgers!!

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